Winning Entry in Portrait Awards (London)

En toen kreeg ik dit in de mailbox, helemaal vanuit Londen!
“Dear Nathalie,
We are thrilled to announce that your photo series “Here I am” has been awarded in the MonoVisions Awards annual competition 2021!
Een woordje uitleg:
The women I photograph are all everyday, real women. I photograph them as they are, trying to let them see themselves in another way. Giving them a selfconfidence boost, to accept themselves the way they are with their own powerful and authentic self. Cause we all are our so critical about ourselves, we are doubting, we are putting ourselves in the second, third, or last place as a mother, as a partner, as a friend… It is time to silence our self-doubt and to love ourselves with our perfect imperfections. So, here you are!

Selected by Daily Photograph

Woeha! Wonderful news uit de Kunstfotografie-Wereld!
Ik kreeg deze mail:
“Dear Nathalie,
Congratulations! We are pleased to announce our curators have chosen your image for inclusion into Your Daily Photograph. We select a very small percentage of photographs submitted.
You’re in good company — in the recent past images from Henri Cartier-Bresson, Andreas Gursky, Richard Misrach, Andre Kertesz, Edward Burtynsky and other photography legends have appeared in YDP.”
Amaai, dat kan tellen…. Zo blij met dit nieuws!
Nathalie Stroobant Photography boudoir fotografie België

Fotowedstrijd Beeldig Balegem

Woeha!!! Ik behoor tot de 15 finalisten van de Fotowedstrijd Beeldig Balegem, een wedstrijd die deze zomer liep. De twee vereisten waren: de foto moest in Balegem genomen zijn en er moest een stukje onroerend erfgoed op te zien zijn. De binnenkant van het station van Balegem leek me ideaal…

Day of Crafts 2019

I just got the news that I am the winner of the photocontest of the “Day of Crafts” organized by the Belgian Federal Minister for SMEs and the Self-employed and of the Federal Government Service of Economy  and Energy!

I feel very honoured! The award winning picture is an image of enthusiastic ceramists at Atelier Aster Caemaert




Unseen#4 Ongezien#4

Very happy with my selection for Unseen #4.

I was selected by Marieke van Bommel (Director MAS) and Pierre Berger (DLA Piper)

My work (from the series “Too LIGHT to TRAVEL) will be seen at the Port of Antwerp

from Aug3rd till Sept 4th

Notice: Aug 3rd = Museum Night Antwerp

Dibond 120 * 80 cm